請問一下桃園住龜山附近or銘傳大學附近的板友們~~ 萬壽路上的麥當勞得來速那邊是否有一間投幣式的洗車場呢?! 因為跟網友約在那邊一起洗車!!! 請問那邊有嗎? 會很難找嗎?! 謝謝大大喔! -- https://picasaweb.google.com/105539837498801082315What does this all mean?horrible Telephone commercial. help This company. hang The cEO. have To close. hallway To china. how To costdown. heading To calamity. how To cut. 去發現,去改變。htc。highway To catastrophe. here To crash. hug This crap. hell To come. hyper Tragical comedy.headache Taiwan cellphone. hell That's confusing. hypocritical Thoroughly chairman. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
推sirup1343:麥當勞那邊有沒有我沒注意,但萬壽路靠近自來水公司有03/15 13:23
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